The Project

EPUnfolded: A Blog
For my final project in my graduate Creative Writing course, I decided to create a venue in which different voices, from all over the world, can have a say in contributing and commenting on the artists of El Paso, TX, so I created a blog. This idea stems from the recent advances we have seen online. Instant access is becoming more prevalent throughout the world and I wanted to take that opportunity to help promote El Paso. This hub, where artists and writers, amateur to professional, provides a means to dialogue and collaborate as a community.
To put my blog together, I asked several friends, colleagues, peers and even my own students to contribute to the site. They could submit short stories, poems, photographs, artwork, videos, web sites, etc. To be considered for publication, one only faces a solitary requirement, to have some connection to El Paso, either through writing about it or because one has lived here.
At first I was met with reluctance. Many asked me what I wanted, what I expected. They were confused and wanted to fit a cookie cutter mold. My answer was simple. “Whatever you want,” I’d reply. “This is to showcase our city.”
My first submission was from Frank Rosales, a local artist I met through a childhood friend. His “Dreamer” artwork, posted on the front page of the blog, is what inspired the initial layout. After all, it is the dreamer in us that inspires us all. We give the dream a voice; this is a principle a respected professor instilled in me almost ten years ago.
I’ve collected more pieces, either through friendly reminders or Facebook status updates. The deadline approached, and although I hadn’t received all of the promised items, others have stepped in to help. They, too, have enjoyed their contributions and viewing others’ creative pieces while I await more. In addition, I also plan on incorporating mini bios for each contributor and medium explanations as soon as they are submitted to me.
I have laid the framework for the blog and although my school project is now over, I plan on keeping this blog active. It is important to maintain this connection and to continue unfolding the talent of our beautiful city.

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